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Typescript SDK

SUAVE-viem is a fork of viem that will eventually be upstream'ed but is currently still in a dynamic state. SUAVE-viem allows easy contract and node interaction via typescript. Most functionality for interacting with SUAVE will be similar to interacting with any other EVM chain in viem.


Currently, Confidential Compute Requests (CCRs) are not EIP-1193 compatible and therefore you will not be able to sign CCRs directly from Metamask.

This page describes how to work with the SUAVE-viem typescript SDK. The SDK simplifies interaction with the SUAVE Chain and provides easy-to-use functions to send transactions and query data. Below, you'll find steps on how to instantiate the library, symlink, and perform basic actions such as sending transactions and fetching information from the chain.

Since SUAVE-viem has not been upstreamed yet, it is easiest to use via symlink. To do so you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Clone the forked repository
  2. Install its dependencies
  3. Build the project if necessary
  4. Create a symbolic link
  5. Link the symbolic link in your project

Step 1: Clone the forked repository

First, you need to clone the forked repository suave-viem from GitHub:

git clone
cd suave-viem

Step 2: Install its dependencies

Once you have cloned the repository and navigated into the directory, install its dependencies:


Step 3: Build the project (if the project needs to be compiled)

Some TypeScript projects need to be compiled before they can be used. If this is the case with the suave-viem project, run the build script:

yarn build

After building the project, you can create a symbolic link in the global node_modules directory:

yarn link

This command will create a symlink in the global folder (usually /usr/local/lib/node_modules on Unix systems) that links to the package you've built.

Finally, navigate to the project where you want to use the forked library and link it:

cd path/to/your/project
yarn link viem

This command tells npm to use the symlinked version of viem (which is actually suave-viem you've built and linked globally) instead of the one from the npm registry.

Important Notes

  • When you run npm link viem in your project, ensure there is no viem dependency in your node_modules directory. If there is, you should delete it before running the link command to avoid conflicts.
  • After you've finished working with the symlinked package or if you want to switch back to the official version, you can unlink it by running npm unlink --no-save viem within your project directory and then reinstall the package from npm with npm install viem.
  • Remember to occasionally pull updates from the forked repository and rebuild it to ensure you have the latest changes while developing.

The symlink approach allows you to work with a forked library locally, making it easier to develop and test changes without affecting the original package's distribution on npm.


First, you need to import necessary modules and instantiate the client.

import { http, createPublicClient } from 'viem';
import { suaveRigil } from 'viem/chains';
import { getSuaveWallet } from 'viem/chains/suave/wallet';

// Instantiate a public client for Suave
export const publicClients = {
suaveRigil: createPublicClient({
chain: suaveRigil,
transport: http(),

// Optional: Instantiate version using local node
suaveLocal: createPublicClient({
chain: suaveRigil,
transport: http(suaveRigil.rpcUrls.local.http[0]),

Replace suaveRigil.rpcUrls.local.http[0] with the appropriate RPC URL if necessary.

Wallet Creation

To interact with the SUAVE network, create a wallet by providing a private key and the RPC URL.

import { Hex } from 'viem';

// Provide your private key here
const PRIVATE_KEY: Hex = 'your-private-key-hex'; // Replace with your private key

const wallet = getSuaveWallet(
chain: suaveRigil,
transport: http(),

console.log('Wallet Address:', wallet.account.address);

Watching Pending Transactions

You can watch for pending transactions and log their details using the following example:

// Watch for pending transactions
async onTransactions(transactions) {
for (const hash of transactions) {
try {
const receipt = await suaveClient.getTransactionReceipt({ hash });
console.log('Transaction Receipt:', receipt);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching receipt:', error);

Sending Confidential Compute Request

Let's walk through how to set up and send a confidential compute request:

1. Get Current Gas Price

First, fetch the current gas price from the network.

const gasPrice = await publicClients.suaveLocal.getGasPrice();

2. Prepare the Fund Transaction

Create a transaction object to fund the wallet with the required amount.

const fundTx: TransactionRequestSuave = {
type: '0x0',
value: 100000000000000001n,
gasPrice: gasPrice + 1000000000n,
to: wallet.account.address,
gas: 21000n,

3. Simulate the Transaction

It's often a good practice to simulate the transaction to predict any errors.

const fundSim = await{
account: adminWallet.account.address,
from: adminWallet.account.address,
console.log('simulated fund tx', fundSim);

4. Send the Fund Transaction

Send the transaction to fund the wallet.

const fund = await adminWallet.sendTransaction(fundTx);
console.log('sent fund tx', fund);

5. Wait for Transaction Confirmation

Use a while loop to periodically check if the transaction has been confirmed.

while (true) {
const fundReceipt = await publicClients.suaveRigil.getTransactionReceipt({
hash: fund,
if (fundReceipt) {
console.log('fund tx landed', fundReceipt);
await sleep(4000);

6. Create a Confidential Compute Request

Set up a CCR with the appropriate parameters.

const ccrReq: TransactionRequestSuave = {
executionNode: '0xb5feafbdd752ad52afb7e1bd2e40432a485bbb7f', // Address of your local Kettle. Use 0x03493869959c866713c33669ca118e774a30a0e5 if on Rigil.
'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', // Confidential inputs to the transaction
to: '0x8f21Fdd6B4f4CacD33151777A46c122797c8BF17', // The recipient of the transaction
gasPrice: 10000000000n, // Gas price for the transaction
gas: 420000n, // Gas limit for the transaction
type: SuaveTxTypes.ConfidentialRequest, // Type of the SUAVE transaction
chainId:, // Chain ID of the SUAVE network
data: '0x236eb5a70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000008f21fdd6b4f4cacd33151777a46c122797c8bf170000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Data payload for the transaction

confidentialInputs is a field to store information that should be kept private during computation, and the data fields is a typical calldata field for interacting with a dapp.

7. Send the Confidential Compute Request

Finally, send the CCR to the network.

const res = await wallet.sendTransaction(ccrReq);
console.log(`sent tx: ${res}`);

Fetching Blockchain Data

To fetch the latest block or transaction receipt, you can use the following functions:

async function fetchBlockchainData() {
// Get the number of the latest block
const latestBlockNumber = await publicClients.suaveRigil.getBlockNumber();

// Fetch the latest block
const latestBlock = await publicClients.suaveRigil.getBlock({
blockNumber: latestBlockNumber,
includeTransactions: false,

console.log('Latest Block:', latestBlock);
