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Precompile are MEVM contracts that are implemented in native code instead of bytecode. Precompiles additionally can communicate with internal APIs. Currently the MEVM supports all existing Ethereum Precompiles up to Dencun, and introduces four new classes of precompiles:

  1. offchain computation that is too expensive in solidity
  2. calls to API methods to interact with the Confidential Data Store
  3. calls to suavex API Methods to interact with Domain-Specific Services
  4. calls to retrieve context for the confidential compute requests

Available Precompiles

A list of available precompiles in Rigil are as follows:


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042010000

Determines if the current execution mode is regular (onchain) or confidential. Outputs a boolean value.

function isConfidential() internal view returns (bool b)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042010001

Provides the confidential inputs associated with a confidential computation request. Outputs are in bytes format.

function confidentialInputs() internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042020000

Handles the storage of data in the confidential store. Requires the caller to be part of the AllowedPeekers for the associated bid.

function confidentialStore(BidId bidId, string memory key, bytes memory data1) internal view


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042020001

Retrieves data from the confidential store. Also mandates the caller's presence in the AllowedPeekers list.

function confidentialRetrieve(BidId bidId, string memory key) internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042030000

Initializes bids within the ConfidentialStore. Prior to storing data, all bids should undergo initialization via this precompile.

function newBid(uint64 decryptionCondition, address[] memory allowedPeekers, string memory bidType)

Note: The name Bids are an artefact from early development. Bids represent a "Data Identifier" used when operating on confidential data and no longer have any relation to a bid in an auction. They useful for coordinating on confidential data with out revealing underlying data, for instance a SUAVE transaction can emit logs on chain which reference the bidId from a Confidential Compute Request which follow up transactions can now reference.


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042030001

Retrieves all bids correlating with a specified decryption condition.

function fetchBids(uint64 cond, string memory namespace) internal view returns (Bid[] memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042100003

Uses the eth_call JSON RPC method to let you simulate a function call and return the response.

 function ethcall(address contractAddr, bytes memory input1) internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042100000

Performs a simulation of the bundle by building a block that includes it. Outputs indicate if the execution was successful and the Effective Gas Price of the resultant block.

function simulateBundle(bytes memory bundleData) internal view returns (uint64)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042100037

Interprets the bundle data and extracts hints, such as the "To" address and calldata.

function extractHint(bytes memory bundleData) internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000043000001

Submits bytes as JSONRPC message to the specified URL with the specified method. As this call is intended for bundles, it also signs the params and adds X-Flashbots-Signature header, as usual with bundles. Regular eth bundles don't need any processing to be sent.

function submitBundleJsonRPC(string memory url, string memory method, bytes memory params) internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000043200001

Joins the user's transaction and with the backrun, and returns encoded mev-share bundle. The bundle is ready to be sent via SubmitBundleJsonRPC.

function fillMevShareBundle(BidId bidId) internal view returns (bytes memory)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042100001

Constructs an Ethereum block based on the provided bidIds. The construction follows the order of bidIds are given .

function buildEthBlock(BuildBlockArgs memory blockArgs, BidId bidId, string memory namespace)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000042100002

Submits a given builderBid to a mev-boost relay. Outputs any errors that arise during submission.

function submitEthBlockBidToRelay(string memory relayUrl, bytes memory builderBid)


🔗 Implementation

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000040100001

Signs an Ethereum Transaction, 1559 or Legacy, and returns raw signed transaction bytes. txn is binary encoding of the transaction. signingKey is hex encoded string of the ECDSA private key without the 0x prefix. chainId is a hex encoded string with 0x prefix.

function signEthTransaction(bytes memory txn, string memory chainId, string memory signingKey) view returns (bytes memory)

Precompiles Governance

The governance process for adding precompiles is in it's early stages but is as follows:

  • Discuss the idea in a forum post
  • Open a PR and provide implementation
  • Feedback and review
  • Possibly merge and deploy in the next network upgrade, or sooner, depending on the precompile