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Confidential contracts on SUAVE

We can extend the contract we deployed in the previous guide so that it emits the results of the simulation performed by the MEVM allowed to decrypt the confidential inputs.

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

import "../libraries/Suave.sol";

contract confidentialWithLogs {

event SimResultEvent(
uint64 egp

function fetchBidConfidentialBundleData() public returns (bytes memory) {

bytes memory confidentialInputs = Suave.confidentialInputs();
return abi.decode(confidentialInputs, (bytes));

// note: this enables the result of the confidential comput request (CCR)
// to be emitted on chain
function emitSimResultEvent(uint64 egp) public {
emit SimResultEvent(egp);

// note: because of confidential execution,
// you will not see your input as input to the function
function helloWorld() external view returns (bytes memory) {
// 0. ensure confidential execution

// 1. fetch bundle data
bytes memory bundleData = this.fetchBidConfidentialBundleData();

// 2. sim bundle and get effective gas price
uint64 effectiveGasPrice = Suave.simulateBundle(bundleData);

// note: this enables the computation result to be emitted on chain
return bytes.concat(this.emitSimResultEvent.selector, abi.encode(effectiveGasPrice));

Transaction flow

It is easiest to demonstrate how we expect data to flow in Rigil via a diagram.

Rigil transaction flow

Once a SUAPP has emitted the result of a confidential computation, what happens? The next guide contains a more complete overview of how data might flow if we replicate MEV-Share on SUAVE.

Confidential compute

The function users would generally call - in this case helloWorld() - returns a callback to another function which is intended to permute the state. If it returned the result, rather than this callback, it would expose the confidential data.

Confidential compute occurs through an offchain function call, signified in solidity by the view modifier.

Any MEVM specified by the user can use these view functions in conjunction with plaintext access to decrypted data to perform confidential computation. The result, and a signature of integrity, are propagated along with the initial transaction that contained the confidential compute request.

Confidential data is propagated separately via the confidential data store, but other Kettles do not need the underlying data as they will trust any valid signature attesting to the integrity of the computation.